Old Main front lawn

Payroll Office

The Payroll department is responsible for processing payroll payments and withholdings for all employees of The Pennsylvania State University. Our goal is to provide excellent customer service, pay our employees correctly and in a timely fashion.

Payroll Organizational Chart (PDF)

Payroll Staff and Support Areas
 W2 Questions? [email protected]  
Raymond Burke [email protected] Director Payroll Services
Tammy Brooks, Asst Mgr [email protected] Assistant Manager; Payroll Adjustments, Repayments, Taxable Benefits (Imputed Income)
Kathleen Huey, Supervisor [email protected] Payroll Processing, Retroactive Transactions, Taxable Benefits (Imputed Income),Stop Payments, SERS Payments, Direct (ACH) Deposits Inquiries
Charla Culbertson [email protected] LST - Local Service Tax inquiries, Wage Tax inquires
Kelli Keller [email protected] Repayments, Direct (ACH) Deposits Inquiries
Jynnea Dorman [email protected] Credit Union, Direct (ACH) Deposits Inquiries
Chris Illig, Foreign National Tax Specialist [email protected] Payments for Foreign Nationals, Foreign National Tax Issues; 1042-S inquires
Carrie Knode [email protected] Payment for Foreign Nationals, Tax Treaties; 1042-S inquires
Kaitlin Keslar [email protected] Payment for Foreign Nationals, Tax Treaties; 1042-S inquires