A list of requests and forms that the Payroll Office requires is presented below. A short name, the form's official name and description, and where to get the form are listed.
Short Name | Official Name and Description | Get Form |
Salary Deposit Form | SALARY DEPOSIT REQUEST: This request gives the Payroll Office authorization to deposit an employee's net salary into a checking or savings account in most financial institutions nationwide. Employees can now setup and manage their deposit accounts and payment elections via Workday.
Visit to access Workday and learn more. |
Short Name | Official Name and Description | Get Form |
1042S Form | Issued only to Foreign Nationals who have received tax treaty benefits or have had federal income tax withheld for a fellowship or scholarship. Foreign Nationals may be eligible for tax treaty benefits if their Country of permanent residence has a current tax treaty in force with the USA, allowing exemption from federal taxes on earned income, scholarship, or fellowship monies. | [email protected] |
Duplicate Check Stub | You may also print a copy of your pay stub from the website at Workday Click on "Workday" in the center of the page, click on the pay icon, click on pay slips - in the "view" section. Choose the pay slip you need. This is a request for a copy of your check stub if you are unable to attain a copy of your pay stub using Workday. | [email protected] |
W-2 for tax purposes | This form is provided to every employee for income tax filing. The form represents a tax year and is issued by January 31 of the following year. There are four copies provided -- one copy each for federal, state and, local taxes, and the requester. You may also print a copy of a W-2 Form from Workday website at | |
Short Name | Official Name and Description | Get Form |
Search for Federal IRS forms | A list of all Internal Revenue Service (IRS) forms, instructions, schedules, and publications. The Fill-in forms allow you to enter information while the form is displayed by an Adobe Acrobat 5.0 (or later) product and then print the completed form out. Fill-in forms give you a cleaner crisper printout for your records and for filing with the IRS. | IRS forms list (link is external) (long list) (a search option is available) IRS Fill-in Forms (link is external) |
Pennsylvania Tax Forms | List of Pennsylvania Personal Income Tax forms, Fill-in Forms, Instructions, and Tax Codes, etc. | PA Tax Forms (link is external) |
Form PA-40 | PA-40 PENNSYLVANIA INCOME TAX RETURN: The PA-40 is used to file PA State taxes. The PA-40 must be completed and submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue:
PA Tax Forms (link is external) (scroll to form for current year) |
IRS Form 673 | STATEMENT FOR CLAIMING BENEFITS PROVIDED BY SECTION 911 OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE: Form 673 should be completed and submitted to Payroll:
IRS form with instructions (link is external) (2pgs) |
IRS Form 1040 | FORM 1040 U.S. INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RETURN: Form 1040 should be completed and submitted to the IRS:
IRS Form (link is external) (33K, 2pgs) Instructions (link is external) (778K, 117pgs) |
IRS Form 1040 NR | FORM 1040NR U.S. NONRESIDENT ALIEN INCOME TAX RETURN: Form 1040NR should be completed and submitted to the IRS by non-resident alien's to file their federal tax return. |
IRS Form (link is external) (52K, 5pgs) Instructions (link is external) |
W4 |
EMPLOYEE'S WITHHOLDING ALLOWANCE CERTIFICATE (FORM W-4): This form authorizes the University to make the appropriate withholdings for Federal Income Tax. W-4 information is required to be updated in Workday:
Visit to access Workday and learn more. |
Short Name | Official Name and Description | Get Form |
Policy PR08 Form | Policy PR08 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS FOR ALIENS EMPLOYED BY THE UNIVERSITY: To provide information to an alien faculty or staff member explaining the deductions taken from his or her salary during an appointment at the University. |
Policy PR08 |
Alien Information Form | ALIEN INFORMATION REQUEST FORM: This form allows Penn State to collect information for tax withholding purposes regarding an individual's employment, and immigration category and the primary reason the individual is in the U.S. An Alien Information Request form is required to be completed and submitted to Payroll:
GURU Form (link is external) |
Revenue Procedure Statement 87-8 |
The PSU REVENUE PROCEDURE STATEMENT 87-8: Form needs to be completed and submitted with Form 8233 for federal tax exemption for student visa holders. |
PSU 87-8 Form Form Instructions |
Revenue Procedure Statement 87-9 |
The PSU REVENUE PROCEDURE STATEMENT 87-9: Form needs to be completed and submitted with Form 8233 for federal tax exemption for J-1 non-student or H-1B visa holders. |
PSU 87-9 Form Form Instructions |
IRS Form (link is external) (37K, 1pg) Instructions (link is external) (2pgs) |
IRS Form W-9 & Attachment Form |
REQUEST FOR TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER AND CERTIFICATION: Form W-9 should be completed and submitted to Payroll:
A W-9 Attachment form needs to be completed and submitted to Payroll every time a W-9 form is submitted. |
IRS Form (link is external) (26K, pgs) Instructions (link is external) (17K, 3 pgs) Attachment to Form W-9 (link is external) |
Short Name | Official Name and Description | Get Form |
Credit Union Deduction | PENN STATE FEDERAL DEPOSIT & DISTRIBUTION OF PSU PAYROLL DEDUCTION: The Penn State Federal Deposit and Distribution of PSU Payroll Deduction is to authorize or change a payroll deduction with deposit to the Penn State Federal Credit Union. The form is used to instruct the Penn State Federal Credit Union the categories/amounts to which member deductions are to be applied. A Credit Union form should be completed and submitted to the Credit Union for processing. They will notify the Payroll Office of any changes. |
GURU Form (link is external) |
United Way Deduction | UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN PAYROLL DEDUCTION CARD: This card is used by all campuses for full-time employees to have United Way contributions deducted from their paychecks during annual fall campaigns in conjunction with procedures established by United Way campaigns in each area, or throughout the year for new employees or present employees to make changes in payroll deductions. |
GURU Instruction (link is external) Obtain form from Payroll Office |
Uniform Rental Deduction | Authorization for Salary Deduction for Uniform Rental. | Obtain form from Payroll Office |